Forbidden Realms Hat

Forbidden Realms

Blane Bramble - in search of Treasure, Skill, Stamina, and Brownie Points...

Well here we are again, plenty of news at the moment to keep you going, including a few new systems for you to try out (got to keep those phone bills up now, haven't we?). Enough of this mindless chatter, lets have some of THAT mindless chatter...


AberMUG is available from the CONNECT system ('the IBM PC User Groups conferencing system'). The game was written by students at Aberystwyth University and is running on a Compaq Deskpro 386 under SCO Xenix.

AberMUG is a fairly 'standard' game in it's setting, and in it's general feel, so existing MUG'ers should feel at home, although I did find the absence of several abbreviations to be mildly annoying (no L for Look, or X for eXits), but then that's not really a major problem.

Players need 140,000 points to get to Wizard, with the first level being gained at 1,000 points (there are ten levels in all), this may seem quite low compared to other games, but the scores for treasure (at least the small items I found in a quick wander about) are fairly low, mainly in the range of 1 - 10 points. The fight system is again fairly standard, with relatively high rewards for fighting (out of the 500 or so points I scored, about 460 were from two fights, one succesful, one in which I decided to flee). There is no sleep command, or equivalent, but then one isn't needed, as strength (the equivalent of stamina) is restored over time as you play (and fairly quickly too).

I do have one fairly major quibble though, and that is the lack of information and help text within the game. There is a HELP command that lists a few of the standard commands, but it would be nice if more information were available whilst playing (perhaps some background information on the game setting, a short history of the game and so on).

Connect is available on (081 ) 863 6646 at v22, v22bis and at 9600 baud, and on (081) 861 5522 at v21, v23, v22. Note the 9600 baud lines need a Hayes 9600HDX compatible modem (NOT the U.S. Robotics system as used by Miracom Courier HST's). You can create a demo account on the system by following the registration details then typing 'D' for demo at the end (when it asks how you wish to pay). Connect Costs £35 + VAT per year for member of the IBM PC User Group, or £50 + VAT to non-member (plus a £10 joining fee for non-members), which also gives read (and local reply) access to Usenet, various online games as well as AberMUG, and to downloads (for which a time-based premium is charged).


Phone number change!

If you missed last issue, the phone numbers for the Godstone exchange that IOWA is connected to have changed. The new numbers are (0883) 744044 and (0883) 744164. This is due to the installation of a digital exchange.

Charging - the suspenslon of...

Charging has been suspended on the IOWA system until further notice, mainly due to the failure of the 'honour bright' scheme Pippin was using for charging (see last issue). The system is now once again free to use, and should be expanding soon, as sixteen more ports have been added by linking two of the front end boxes together. Plans include adding several lines on a London exchange to get a few 'prestige' numbers.

Online Dungeons and Dragons!

Currently being developed for the IOWA system, is a host that will allow a game of Dungeons and Dragons (the TSR role-playing game) to be played on Wednesdays. The plan is for a REAL game of D&D to take place (rather than a computer moderated one, which is what MUG's are supposed to resemble), with the host being used by players to exchange information and play the game.


Avalon is no longer available from the IOWA system as it has gone 'Independent'. By the time you read this, the new system should be up and running, more details below...


Parody has undergone a further update, which cleared up a few minor annoying bugs, and the land has been extended slightly into the wilds (including some troll caves and the start of a rift area). Now that most major problems have been resolved I will be spending more time on the database, extending the land (both eastwards into the wilds and westwards through the pastures, amongst others). Several other people have also offered to write locations and puzzles, so there should be a very large update to the game in the near future, as I hope to have 200 or so NEW locations to add.


Following an agreement between Comms Plus! and IOWA, back issues of Forbidden Realms will appear on their mail system (three issues in arrears), so you can look up old articles, and other people can see what they are missing (and hopefully subscribe!).

The Void

The Void is another fairly new (and hence fairly small) MUG, currently supporting 4 incoming phone lines (the modems support a variety of baud rates, eventually all lines will support 300/300, 1200/75, 1200/1200 and 2400/2400, but for the moment 1200/75 seems a good bet). The game itself runs on 2 AT's, and is based around Transfer Portals, using which a player can teleport to different parts of the game (each part being a different setting, in a different style). Much of the game is still under development, but to give you an idea of what there will be, there is a fairground, a school, an ice palace, a western setting and a bazaar.

There are quite a few touches of humour in the game, especially in explanation of the scenario. When you connect to the system, you are greeted by the following,

"While ambling along, cramming a large chilli burger down your throat and reading a dubious magazine, you trip but somehow miss the ground. You are falling towards a large neon sign:

'VOID under construction. The management apologises for any reality failures.'

You are rescued, but your burger is incinerated as a public health hazard.

Registration Desk. You are standing in front of the Void's registration desk, a large green demon sits here registering all newcomers. The demon passes you a registration form marked "All Ape Descended Lifeforms" and says "Fill it in". Type LOGIN, QUIT or HELP."

If this seems like your cup of tea, I suggest you have a look, the game still needs quite alot of work, but then that applies to any new game (in fact, it probably applies to all games...).

Avalon (again)... The system

Well he we are again, more details of the Avalon system. The hardware consists of a front end multiplexor with 16 serial ports (written by yours truly), with currently two hosts, both running on Acorn Archimedes - Avalon and a bulletin board.

The front end

The front end provides public chat facilities between all online users, as well as private 'nodes' which allow several users to chat together privately, and various items of information about the system, available commands and any system news.


The lines are not yet installed, but there will be 8 incoming lines which should be in by the 20th May on (081) 968 0333. Modems have yet to be decided upon, but it seems likely that quad speed modems will be used offering v21/23/22/22bis. The system is commercial (the current charge is 25p an hour), but new users who register via the front end will get 10 hours free play to look around the system. Time is only charged when connected to a host, access to the chat system, and some parts of the bulletin board are free.

Other details

Avalon (the game) is currently undergoing a major update which should introduce even more features into the game, currently under development are a full skill system and (linked with the skills) a guild system, whereby players will join one of a number of guilds to learn skills, and so advance their characters. Most of the 'usual' role-playing skills will be implemented (hiding, stealing, archery), as well as some more unusual ones (juggling, tight-rope walking), and a rich selection of skills will be necessary for a player to be able to advance towards Godhood.

Well, out of words (and time, someone plonked a 10-day deadline on me, grumble), [I wonder who? Stop whingeing, Bramble! - Ed.] so there's just time for a quick visit to the Crypt before I crawl back whence I came.

Into the Crypt - a run-down of MUG details.

(0243)862816 ** Free to play.

AVALON (from 20th May)
(081) 968 0333 ** 10 hours play free for new users.

(081) 863 6646 / (081) 861 5522 ** Part of the IBM PC User Group.

(0883) 744044 / (0883) 744164 ** Free to play. 3 MUG's and a mail system.

(081) 994 9119 ** Log in as GUEST to have a look around.

(0342) 810 905 ** Free to play (Shades test port)

Avalable via PSS ** Free to play, but only after 2am.

Blane Bramble

Richard A. Bartle (
21st January 1999: cpapr90.htm