Hall of Fame
Cool grey marble swirls all around,
so much that it is nearly impossible to
tell where the floor meets the walls.
The slightest sound reverberates into
every corner and back again.
Glossy white chairs face a tall, slender
podium at the north end of the hall.
A huge, overhead projection screen is half
unfurled behind the podium.
- Hallie-lujah
- applauds wildly!
- Pompey
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- waves cheerily.
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) bows
- Hallie-lujah
- curtseys at you.
- Pompey
- takes the podium
- Pompey
- taps the microphone
- Pompey
- Welcome All! Thank you for joining us this evening.
- Pompey
- We are here to look back on the beginnings of this great experiment in society and communications.
- Pompey
- Looking back to 1978 where two Essex University students created the world's first MUD.
Those two young men are Roy Trubshaw and Richard Bartle.
- Pompey
- glances towards Richard Bartle and says, "This evening we honor Richard Bartle... A forefather of MUDs."
- Hallie-lujah
- smiles.
- Pompey
- Rather than presenting Mr. Bartle with the traditional plaque...
- Pompey
- smiles and continues, "I have decided to engrave his name in the Hall of Fame AND dedicate a new museum to his honor."
- Pompey
- clears his throat a little then says, "Please join me in applauding Richard Bartle's contribution to the world!!!"
- Hallie-lujah
- applauds wildly!
- William_Wallace
- follows Hallie's lead.
- R.Bartle
- blushes.
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
would yuo please say a few words?
- R.Bartle
- yes, OK
- R.Bartle
- first, I have to apologise for the fact that my backspace key is non-functional
- R.Bartle
- so any typing errors I make will remain made...
- R.Bartle
- you'll have to post-edit inside your heads instead.
- Pompey
- smiles.
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) has the same prefdicament
- R.Bartle
- OK, well yes, Roy and I co-wrote MUD1 back in 1978
- Pompey
- tries to imagine the English accent on the text as well ;)
- Hallie-lujah
- agrees with Pompey.
- R.Bartle
- (you'll see the English spelling)
- William_Wallace
- can hear it.
- R.Bartle
- but all we provided was the framework for people to enjoy themselves
- Pompey
- applauds wildly!
- R.Bartle
- what makes MUDS, and their derivatives, so much fun is the presence of the other players
- Peggy
- nods in agreement and applauds
- William_Wallace
- smiles at you.
- R.Bartle
- of coruse, it's also what makes some of them no fun at all, it depends on how they're run
- Pasha
- Hah haa...
- R.Bartle
- see? coruse=course. no backspace
- Pompey
- . o O ( lagda )
- William_Wallace
- hadn't noticed.
- Hbrika
- of course if there were no mud to begin with all of this would never have started :>"
- R.Bartle
- I'm a little uncomfortable, therefore, at being honoured for my contribution to MUDs
- R.Bartle
- because really, it's the players who deserve all the credit
- Pompey
- applauds wildly!
- William_Wallace
- to R.Bartle
Why thanks ...
- Hallie-lujah
- grins at William_Wallace.
- Hbrika
- all the credit and all the blame huh :)
- Pompey
- smiles at Hbrika.
- Peggy
- bursts out laughing!
- R.Bartle
- all Roy and I did was act as a catalyst. It could have been any nuymber of player^H^H^H^H^H^Hpeople who conceived the first MUD
- R.Bartle
- it just happened it was some dumb students in England, of which I was one
- Hallie-lujah
- smiles at you.
- William_Wallace
- NOt dumb ...
- Pompey
- . o O ( what humility )
- R.Bartle
- (you can tell I'm not just pasting this from a prepared file, I guess)
- Pasha
- giggles at you.
- R.Bartle
- and that's part of the reason why I asked Pompey not to announce this ceremony over the net.
- Hallie-lujah
- raises one eyebrow curiously at you...
- R.Bartle
- the real heroes are the people who run their games day in, day out, without thanks
- William_Wallace
- nods.
- Hallie-lujah
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- and not the people who happened to be there at the start.
- Hallie-lujah
- not *just*
- Pompey
- applauds wildly!
- R.Bartle
- so I guess that's probably boosted everyobne's egoes here enough
- R.Bartle
- grins.
- Pompey
- smiles at you.
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) hugs Chico warmly and tenderly.
- Pompey
- stands
- R.Bartle
- but I will say that I'm happy to be honoured in this fashion
- Pompey
- applauds wildly!
- Hallie-lujah
- applauds wildly!
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
Well deserved, I am sure.
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) claps
- Pompey
- takes the podium
- R.Bartle
- if it means I can say that I accept this honour on behalf of everyone who ever played a MUD and contrinuted to it
- Peggy
- cheers enthusiastically!
- Pompey
- As you can see Mr. Bartle is very humble...
- William_Wallace
- cheers enthusiastically!
- R.Bartle
- contrinuted=contributed, hthese typos get worse...
- William_Wallace
- to R.Bartle
I'm not noticing.
- R.Bartle
- I'm not always humble! That's DR BARTLE
- Hallie-lujah
- We're used to typos :)
- Peggy
- bursts out laughing!
- Hallie-lujah
- giggles helplessly.
- Pompey
- grins at you.
- Chico
- . o O ( try having no backspace *sigh* )
- Hallie-lujah
- to Chico
he doesn't :)
- Pompey
- here here Dr.Bartle!
- Hbrika
- to Chico
he doesnt have one :)
- R.Bartle
- well I HAVE a backspace, just somewhere between my PC and your server it disappears
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) orders Grog from the replicator.
- Chico
- ah ok..sorries ddi...didnt know
- Hbrika (Gonzo)
- Yes...
- Hbrika
- sips the Grog.
- R.Bartle
- I seem to have reached the end of my speech, anyway
- Hallie-lujah
- gives Dr. Bartle a standing ovation
- Pompey
- applauds wildly!
- Pasha
- claps too.
- Chico
- smiles.
- Pasha
- . o O ( questions though? )
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) smiles, " a question, was this aplanned progject, something for school or 2 people just clowning about that started it all?"
- Peggy
- applauds, wondering what the FO is to be able to applaud wildly without having to emote it. <g>
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
wuold you like to give us yuor website addy?
- William_Wallace
- jons the crowsd at clapping.
- R.Bartle
- it wasn't planned, we just found this technique for sharing memory on a DECsystem-10 and decided to use it
- R.Bartle
- to write a multi-player gamne
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) likes it :)
- R.Bartle
- Roy was the main code hacker, and I was the main game person
- Peggy
- applauds wildly!
- Hallie-lujah
- smiles at Peggy.
- R.Bartle
- although were we to exchange places, we could both do each other's jobs
- Hbrika
- funny how things designed as play get worked on so hard :)
- Chico
- smiles.
- Hallie-lujah
- nods in agreement with Hbrika.
- R.Bartle
- it was in our spare time, too; we got no credit for it
- Pompey
- check out : www.mud.co.uk/richard/
- Hallie-lujah
- to R.Bartle
do you visit moos now, to see how your idea has developed?
- R.Bartle
- hey maybe I will, that sounds interested
- William_Wallace
- waves ...
- R.Bartle
- Moos, well, from time to time
- R.Bartle
- but there are over a thousand MUDs out there
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
Guesting perhaps?
- R.Bartle
- (I count MOOs as MUDs, by the way)
- Hallie-lujah
- thinks Dominions is the BEST moo :)
- R.Bartle
- and so many are badly run, youhave to be lucky to get a good one
- William_Wallace
- PLeassed to meet you, Richard ...
- R.Bartle
- er, please to meet you William_Wallce...
- R.Bartle
- Dominions has a different emphasis to many games
- R.Bartle
- in that it has lots of little games stuck together
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
are you still developing?
- R.Bartle
- and isn't itself a game
- Hbrika
- some are like leaving breathing ecologies :)]
- R.Bartle
- yes, I am still defveloping
- Esperanza
- to R.Bartle
does your first mud exist?
- R.Bartle
- well yes, they may be, but then a gae with no players can be a breathing ecology
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
what do you think of the new graphical avatar areas?
- R.Bartle
- the first mud sort of still exists
- Hallie-lujah
- I think dominions is more like a community... like home""
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) fluffs Chico
- Esperanza
- still.
- R.Bartle
- version 1 was a test of the shared memory
- Chico
- acks! im here im here!
- R.Bartle
- version 2 was a first attempt in machine code
- Chico
- tickles Hbrika
- R.Bartle
- version 3 was the second attempt, and the one that properly worked
- R.Bartle
- and that one styill runs
- R.Bartle
- everyone who plays a mud thinks their mud is the best
- R.Bartle
- and they all act as communities
- Hallie-lujah
- nods in agreement with you.
- R.Bartle
- so long as they engender a sense of 'place', they will work
- R.Bartle
- it's just that some are better at it than others
- R.Bartle
- and some of the players are better at it than others
- Pompey
- nods nods nods t o Dr Bartle
- Peggy
- nods in agreement
- Pompey
- winks slyly.
- Chico
- pokes at Remus.
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
Were you suprised, at the scope your game has taken on? I mean, when you visit Lambda, for instance, and see the Arbitration systems, the voting systems... the creative writing?
- Peggy
- What good are fancy creations and wonderful verbs if there isn't a community there to enjoy them?
- R.Bartle
- the scope never surprised me. I always knew whgat was possible
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
Did you expect the plethera of sex rooms though.
- R.Bartle
- and the creative writing is mainly, I'm sad to say, dross
- R.Bartle
- there is some good stuff out there, but most people don't have a clue
- Hbrika
- how about the intensity in which some people lead their virtual existances? :)
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
So you think the whole concept is still in its infancy?
- R.Bartle
- and if the game is not directed, ie. it's just a chat system , it may as well be wallpaper
- William_Wallace
- hugs Hallie-lujah warmly and tenderly.
- R.Bartle
- the sex rooms, well they were inevitable.
- Pompey
- smiles at you.
- R.Bartle
- the concept is older than its infancy, but it'll go many ways
- R.Bartle
- graphical games wil suck away most of the new players
- Pompey
- fears that
- R.Bartle
- so traditional tecxt games will be less important
- Peggy
- I'm amazed at how many people automatically think "chat room" when they hear about MOO's! They're so much better, or they can be.
- R.Bartle
- which is a shamne, but that's what happens
- R.Bartle
- I wasn't implying MOOs need necessarily be all chat rooms
- R.Bartle
- I have the smae problem with people who thinks MUDs are MOOs with killing
- Pompey
- this MOO is big on making sure there is a sense of topography
- R.Bartle
- if you like a chat, and don't like to adventure, go to a game which has other players with the same views
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
I feel in a way, that moos are responsible for shaping the uhh, mores I guess, of the net.
- R.Bartle
- whether that's a MOO or an LP or a Tiny or a Diku or whatever
- R.Bartle
- some mores, yes, but they inherited mny of them from MUD ancestors
- Peggy
- I think these text-based games" are wonderful for those of us with disabilities, and I'm glad they're still so widely available and supported."
- Chico
- lags grrr... :/
- JennyLin
- For those of us with disabilities who don't allow use of graphics, text games will always be important.. Tis scary where that is headed..
- R.Bartle
- well they're great for deaf people, nbot so great for blind people or
- Esperanza
- nods in agreement with Peggy.
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
we have many ppl here with 'talkers'
- R.Bartle
- I prefer text to graphics
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
How loose were you with your first mud? Forgive me for not knowing what or where it is. Did pretty much anything go?
- R.Bartle
- we used to have people play MUD1 on braille teletypes!
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
they are blind and use text readers to MOO
- Esperanza
- wow
- Peggy
- I'm one of them. <g>
- R.Bartle
- if everyone is at 110 baud, braille doesn't give much of a disadvantage
- Esperanza
- me too
- JennyLin
- My roommate use to.. Now he uses speech.. still freaks ppl out..
- Pompey
- smiles at Pasha.
- R.Bartle
- these typos will really be roughing uyp your fingers then
- Pompey
- smiles at Esperanza.
- R.Bartle
- grins.
- JennyLin
- nods in agreement with you.
- R.Bartle
- hmm, there was a question just now about how loose I was with the first mud
- Pasha
- o O ( since you were god )
- R.Bartle
- I had an idea what I wanted, yes.
- Peggy
- I think most blind mooers use speech, as a Braille terminal is way too expensive. But MOO's are really easy to navigate with speech, which is what makes them so wonderful.
- R.Bartle
- but I wasn't aiming at anything moralistic
- Esperanza
- agrees with peggy and smiles.
- JennyLin
- Sometimes they are..
- R.Bartle
- I added things to the game and only occasionally stopped people using them 'creatively'
- R.Bartle
- mind you, it was 4 or 5 years before I added an emote command
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
we are trying to build a text to speech player class here
- Pompey
- wow! no emoting on a mUD
- R.Bartle
- well we were pretty happy with speech, given we didn't have that before MUD1
- Peggy
- I can't imagine what it would be like to chat without emoting! It's all I can do to write a memo at work and not put emoticons in it. <sigh>
- R.Bartle
- we did have a sort of emote, but it was for wizzes only
- Pasha
- PompeyI emote to you.
- Chico
- smiles.
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
Was this pretty similar to the code used now?
- Esperanza
- knows of a mud where you can only emote after you have reached lvl 5
- R.Bartle
- was what pretty similar?
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
I mean the same sort of verb based thing. Using language that a non-programmer like myself can muddle through.
- Isis
- nods in agreement with Hallie-lujah.
- R.Bartle
- you mean for creation?
- R.Bartle
- ouch! I hate those disconnects
- R.Bartle
- er, now where was I?
- Fiasco
- icks
- Chico
- to R.Bartle
welcome back :)
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
You were granting universal wizbits to all of us.
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
could players code to early muds?
- Pompey
- grins at Pasha.
- R.Bartle
- wahdamned missing bs
- R.Bartle
- very very early muds, yes
- R.Bartle
- version 1 they could, but only just
- Peggy
- hugs Fiasco warmly and tenderly.
- R.Bartle
- version 2 they could, including commands
- Fiasco
- hugs Peggy warmly and tenderly.
- R.Bartle
- version 3 they couldn't
- R.Bartle
- we were on a DEC-10, which allowed us 35K of memory
- Fiasco
- grins
- R.Bartle
- and the code to allow us to do that took up too much room
so the game was pre-compiled from source files
- R.Bartle
- and any new bits had to be added to the sources
- Fiasco
- nods
- R.Bartle
- although we liked it that way, because the stuff people were adding wasn't very good
- R.Bartle
- it was inconsistent, incoherent, fuill of grammatical errors, had selective depth, was inappropriate for the milieu ... youi name it
- Pompey
- . o O ( grammatical error is my middle name :) )
- R.Bartle
- and when you tell people their neat idea for adding a p[istol has unbalanced the game, they get upset
- R.Bartle
- so we took that out. it gacve use much more editorial control, and made for a better game
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
Weird how everyone wants guns.
- R.Bartle
- I hasten to add that this was in a game-oriented MUD; if you're not game-oriented, it's not so much a probem
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
did you create any muds where players were granted almost full freedom of creation?
- R.Bartle
- but it's like the difference between a novel and an anthology
- Fiasco
- nods.
- R.Bartle
- yes, version 2 of MUD was complete ability to add things during the game
- R.Bartle
- in fact that was the only way to add things
- Pompey
- thinks it would have been interesting to see early mudders unhindered ideas
- R.Bartle
- no, it wouldn't have been
- Pompey
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- they were mainly derivative, and uninspired
- Pompey
- a bit of sarcasim my friend ;)
- Peggy
- I can just imagine all the crashes and problems. <g>
- Pompey
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- yes, well when they were only just learning to program proper languages, they weren't all equipped for a MUD
- Fiasco
- +pomp smiles and just got here :)
- Fiasco
- laughs
- Cat
- pokes at Fiasco.
- R.Bartle
- and there's this problem that everyone thinsk writing rooms and objects is easy, whereas it's not
- R.Bartle
- there really is an art to it
- Fiasco
- What ewere the early users like? College kids?
- Cat
- . o O ( Experimentally? Hmm... )
- R.Bartle
- yes, they were college kids (as was I)
- Fiasco
- nods
- R.Bartle
- almost entyirely male
- Chico
- cheers for the college kids!
- Fiasco
- grins at Chico.
- R.Bartle
- but a lot of the social conventions we developed have come through in MUDs to this day
- R.Bartle
- so we weren't entirely losrs
- Fiasco
- smiles
- Pompey
- 175 males 147 females 102 neuters 23 others.
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) chuckles
- R.Bartle
- well that's an example
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) licks some icecream
- R.Bartle
- if some guy has a female persona, there's no stigma attached to it at all
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
Social conventions? Like Manners?
- Chico
- licks Hbrika
- Hbrika
- no??
- R.Bartle
- but there could so easily have been
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) hmms at that one :)
- Fiasco
- nods in agreement with you.
- R.Bartle
- frnkly, nobody cares what your gender is in a mud
- R.Bartle
- otherwise those 102 neuters are in serious trouble
- Hbrika
- almost nobody anyhow :)
- Fiasco
- grins
- JennyLin
- grins.
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
I am starting to believe though, that the truth does out though. Frankly, if you are a jerk, it will soon show on a mud.
- Colt
- raises his hand to ask a question
- William_Wallace
- nods in agreement with Pasha.
- R.Bartle
- muds do magnify personalities
- R.Bartle
- if you're a jerk in real life, you're a megajerk in a MUD
- Pasha
- giggles at you.
- R.Bartle
- ask questions
- Hallie-lujah
- hugs Colt warmly and tenderly.
- R.Bartle
- id f I miss one, ask again until I see it
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
Doctor. Did you expect the muds to grow so wide use
- Peggy
- chuckles, thinking of several MOO's where she's met --- ineresting people. <g>
- R.Bartle
- I hoped they would, yes
- Fiasco
- grins at Peggy.
- Cat
- to Peggy
Such as?
- R.Bartle
- I was expecting graphical muds to wipe them out, but the internet exploded at just the right time for that not to happen
- Esperanza
- can think of a few too. *sigh.*
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
Did you think the Muds/MOOs/etc will survive into next millienum? Since they haven't changed much since you made them?
- Pompey
- how many players populated the first working mud?
- R.Bartle
- of course they will. the next millennium is only 3 years away
- Colt
- nods.
- R.Bartle
- I have people playing my MUDs who have been doing so for 10 or 15 years
- Pompey
- smiles at Hallie-lujah.
- R.Bartle
- they're not going to give up just like that
- Fiasco
- nods
- Colt
- I've noticed the more social moos have been suffering from population decrease
- R.Bartle
- that cuould just be a summer thing
- Hbrika
- there a re a lot of moo's out there :)
- R.Bartle
- all these games need a certain critical mass
- Pasha
- to R.Bartle
I can't imagine the smugness of a 15 year mooer. Talk about an oldbie.
- Chico
- just wait til sept. everyone will be back :)
- Colt
- yeah, but gophers are slowly aren't being maintained easier to connect.
- R.Bartle
- why would they be smug? they were newbies once, too
- Fiasco
- gophers are slowly going away, yes
- R.Bartle
- java clients make connection easy
- Fiasco
- to Pasha
Most of the oldtime mooers I know aren't smug about it at all.
- R.Bartle
- for home users anyway
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
you must have never met an oldie MOOer at lambda, very smug :)
- Fiasco
- hmms :)
- R.Bartle
- anyone who has to use their age to be smug is a very sad case
- JennyLin
- Lambda is deviated.:>
- Pompey
- winks at Fiasco.
- Fiasco
- agrees with you.
- R.Bartle
- lambda suffers from being the only MUD that journalists have heard of
- JennyLin
- grins.
- Pompey
- claps at you.
- Fiasco
- Pretty close to it.
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) is smug because they have cat dna :)
- Chico
- hey now..lambda is ok :)
- R.Bartle
- and it talekes itself far too seriously
- Peggy
- I've never been to Lambda and have no desire to go visit. <g>
- JennyLin
- Most really oldtimers I know are sweeties.
- Fiasco
- succumbed :)
- Colt
- never heard of graphical muds
- Fiasco
- nods in agreement with JennyLin.
- William_Wallace
- Lambda is depraved! :)
- Cat
- to Hbrika
Hmm, what does that make me then? :-)
- R.Bartle
- well anyone can program cat dna, or any of the other features
- Pompey
- winks at Hbrika.
- Chico
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- it's like saying your novel is really great because it has a jockey murdred byu a horse
- R.Bartle
- well anyone who writes a book could have that
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
Doctor, what are you fture plans? What you doing these days?
- Colt
- smacks his typist upside the head.
- R.Bartle
- I'm still working on my (commercial) MUD
- Colt
- A commerical mud?
- Pompey
- http://www.mud.co.uk/richard/
- R.Bartle
- the kids have to get their new shoes from somewhere
- R.Bartle
- no, not grapohical
- Fiasco
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- it's version 4 of the original MUD
- Colt
- noddles
- R.Bartle
- there are room s in there which have been in for nearly 20 years
- Fiasco
- whistles!
- R.Bartle
- feels suddenly old.
- Colt
- Sensemedia was once a commerical venture till the backers made the owner bankrupt
- Esperanza
- what is theyou created?
- Pompey
- smiles at you.
- Colt
- comforts you and offers his sympathy.
- Hbrika
- yow :)
- Esperanza
- the name of mud.?
- R.Bartle
- I've been shafted by other companies so many times
- R.Bartle
- the name of my mud is MUD. Tjhat's its name.
- MUDCat
- to R.Bartle
How does the MUD programming language (languages?) compare to MOO?
- JennyLin
- to R.Bartle
Not old.. just godlike.;>
- R.Bartle
- although MUD2 is what it normally goes by to avoid confusion with the generic term
- R.Bartle
- well the MUDDLE language I use was specifically designed for writing MUDs
- Colt
- nods.
- Fiasco
- likes the name :)
- R.Bartle
- and it's a little more powerful expressively than MOOs have
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
Have you attempted to make a graphical Mud?
- R.Bartle
- multiple inheritance is its main strength
- R.Bartle
- which applies to all objects, including commands
- Pompey
- agrees
- Colt
- nods.
- Cat
- nods in agreement with you.
- R.Bartle
- all these single-inheritance C-oriented systems have a lot to answer for in MUD development
- R.Bartle
- not that I'm complaining, if people want to do it that way
- Colt
- nods.
- Fiasco
- smiles
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
as you know, MOO objects inheirit back to root object
- R.Bartle
- yes, but only singly. it's a tree, not a directed graph
- Fiasco
- Yes, there are times I would love to have multiple inheritance.
- Pompey
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- well, next project is to write one then?
- Fiasco
- End up doing a lot of juggling to get around that lack
- Pompey
- like a thing could also be a room
- Fiasco
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- I have players being commands!
- Pompey
- points to our master coder.. Fia!
- Fiasco
- yikes!
- Fiasco
- laughs
- Colline
- cheers for Fiasco!
- Cat
- pokes at Fiasco.
- R.Bartle
- so I can type POMPEY HELLO THERE and it will treat the POMPEY as a verb
- Esperanza
- claps at Fiasco.
- R.Bartle
- so no need to type some irritating, nnecessary token verb before it
- Pompey
- is noly a noun at this time ;)
- Pompey
- changes `noly' to `only' before your very eyes!
- Chico
- pokes at Remus.
- Colline
- chuckles under his breath.
- R.Bartle
- well that was just an example
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) pinches Poimpey!
- Fiasco
- nods.
- Fiasco
- hands Hbrika more icecream
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
that could be easily done for communication, but gets tricky wit other commands
- Cat
- to Fiasco
Will that fix their typing? :-)
- R.Bartle
- of course it does
- Pompey
- smiles at you.
- Fiasco
- THat's part of the fun :)
- Chico
- to Fiasco
what kind?
- Pompey
- agrees
- Fiasco
- to Chico
Haagen das Bailey's Irish Cream :P
- Colt
- nods.
- R.Bartle
- I mainly use command inheritance for commands of similar types
- Chico
- nods in agreement with Fiasco.
- R.Bartle
- it's rare to have something you can, say, pick up, also be a command
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) ooos at the icecream
- Fiasco
- nods
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
interesting concept
- R.Bartle
- then again, some things are commands, nouns, adverbs... the lot!
- Fiasco
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- like the word IN
- Hbrika
- Bloodsprite was thinking of a way to do dual inheritance
- Cat
- . o O ( Feature? )
- R.Bartle
- IN means 'goin' er 'go in', a verb
- Fiasco
- When did pronoun substitution start? And who decided to use third person singular as the default? :)
- R.Bartle
- GO IN or LOOK IN or whatever has it as a noun
- Fiasco
- nods in agreement with you.
- R.Bartle
- PUT BALL IN BOX has a preposition
- Pompey
- eirs in hiis ways
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
Doctor, do you teach comper language regarding muds in colleges?
- Colt
- smacks his typist again and again
- R.Bartle
- pronoun substitution went in about 1982 I think
- R.Bartle
- and it wasn't me for 3rd-person singular
- Fiasco
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- the default for MUD1 was 'them'
- Fiasco
- nods
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
ahh.. don't you want to take any blame? :)
- R.Bartle
- my dialect (Yorkshire) uses plural words in singular form for gender-nonspecificity
- Fiasco
- nods.
- R.Bartle
- the word THEMSELF is perfectly OK where I come from
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) lieks it :)
- Pompey
- . o O ( how about Y'All? )
- Pompey
- . o O ( Hallie :) )
- Peggy
- chuckles at Pompey.
- R.Bartle
- so I never had to make the decision. No, y'all is a little further afield...
- Pompey
- tickles Hallie-lujah mercilessly!
- Hallie-lujah
- grins at Hbrika.
- Hallie-lujah
- chuckles under her breath.
- Fiasco
- lived in Memphis long enough to say y'all now and then ;)
- R.Bartle
- sympathises.
- Cat
- comforts Fiasco and offers his sympathy.
- Peggy
- The one I like is You'uns". My friend's grandmother used to say that."
- Hallie-lujah
- tells everyone to hold their breath until the lag goes away.
- Fiasco
- nods in agreement with Peggy.
- R.Bartle
- my grandfather used thee/thou/thine
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
When did your mud first incounter the evil we call lag :)
- Hallie-lujah
- hears way too mush "hisself"
- Hallie-lujah
- winces.
- Chico
- eyes them warily
- Chico
- winks
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
any prediction on how long MUDs/MOOs will be in any mass use before they dwindle?
- Fiasco
- And what about the design of exits, using separate objects to connect in each direction?
- R.Bartle
- itwas on a timsesharing system, we had lag from day 1
- Fiasco
- to R.Bartle
THat's fitting somehow :)
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
Was lag bad?
- R.Bartle
- we didn't have MUD1 object-oriented n that fashion
- Fiasco
- smiles at Esperanza.
- Fiasco
- nods in agreement with you.
- R.Bartle
- well it depended on how many people were using the mainfrsame
- R.Bartle
- if it was really really bad we weren't allowed to run MUD at all
- Colt
- nods.
- Cat
- ouchs!
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
what was total K usage of first working MUD?
- Peggy
- grins at Cat.
- R.Bartle
- well the system limit was 35K of 36-bit words
- Pompey
- wow!
- R.Bartle
- and we hit the limit
- Colt
- wowsers
- Cat
- sits down and tucks his tail around his legs.
- R.Bartle
- then afyer a year or so they increased it to 70K evenings and weekends
- Pompey
- 1 player herre is about 2-15K easily
- Cat
- to R.Bartle
PDP-10? Univac?
- R.Bartle
- and since we weren't allowed to run the game in prime time, we increased to 70K
- R.Bartle
- PDP-10, under TOPS-10, KL10 processor
- Chico
- scritches Cat's ears
- Cat
- . o O ( Not many 36 bits machines... )
- Pompey
- hugs Esperanza warmly and tenderly.
- Colt
- wonders if it was a VAX or a Dec2020
- R.Bartle
- they hadn't invented VAXen back then
- Colt
- In 1978?
- R.Bartle
- it was a DECsystem-10
- Colt
- noddles
- R.Bartle
- In those days, Vaxes were PDP-11s..!
- Fiasco
- grins.
- Colt
- My schools Vax780 was supposely made in 1978
- Cat
- to R.Bartle
Or vacuum cleaners in GB... :-)
- Pompey
- to Colt
top of the line in 1978, cutting edge ;)
- Colt
- smirks as his work is about to get some doninated PDP-11s
- R.Bartle
- well you needed a government licence to import stuff from the USA in those days
- Fiasco
- smiles at Colt.
- Fiasco
- nods in agreement with you.
- R.Bartle
- and therefore it's possible Vaxes were made, but iunavailable in the UK
- Colt
- oohs didn't realise you were outside US :)
- R.Bartle
- yes, Iam
- R.Bartle
- I'm in Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom
- R.Bartle
- where the time is ... tomotrrow
- Fiasco
- nods.
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
how was MUDs disimenated thru the world, did you send friends copies of the OS?
- Colt
- noddles as he is in New England
- R.Bartle
- I sent copies of MUD1 to any academic institution that wanted one
- R.Bartle
- which was about 6 of them
- Chico
- notes theres a colchester in essex county in ontario canada :)
- R.Bartle
- but mainly players wrote their own games inspired by MUD1
- R.Bartle
- and later MUD2
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
how many of those 6 were in USA?
- R.Bartle
- I think 1 was
- Pompey
- rest mainly in Europe?
- R.Bartle
- either Stanfrord or MIT
- Colt
- nods in agreement with you.
- R.Bartle
- one in Dundee, 1 in Sweden, 2 in Norway
- R.Bartle
- and I think one at Hatfield Polytechnic in the UK
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
any of those major muds still runnning?
- R.Bartle
- only the ones in Dundee and Norway were open to outsiders though
- R.Bartle
- no, it was DEC-10 only, who has a DEC-10 these days?
- R.Bartle
- my watch has more computing power than a DEC-10
- Pompey
- grins.
- Fiasco
- nods
- Cat
- to R.Bartle
Hmm, I think the Smithsonian has one. Don't think it's functional, though...
- R.Bartle
- CompuServe still uses them - that's where MUD1 still runs
- Colt
- CompuServe?
- Fiasco
- smiles.
- Hallie-lujah
- to Pompey
that's something you should put in the museum :)
- R.Bartle
- yes, CompuSErve. Big, Columbus-based online service, recently eaten by AOL.
- Pompey
- . o O ( ppl leave Compuserve in droves now..running on DEC10s ;) )
- Pompey
- to Hallie-lujah
- Colt
- to Pompey
do you think any of your work will be doinated to the computer museum in Boston?
- Cat
- Hmm, I knew there had to be a reason for those 6-char filenames :-)
- Colt
- Boston, Ma, USA that is
- R.Bartle
- my work? why on earth would anyone want my work?
- Fiasco
- grins at Cat.
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
Its part of history. Its first chat rooms. Ever.
- Fiasco
- THey have sillier things at the Boston Computer Museum :)
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
this communications venue was/is very important, and you helped bring it about
- Colt
- tickles Fiasco mercilessly!
- Fiasco
- squirms
- Fiasco
- to Colt
Well, they do :)
- R.Bartle
- well if they were to ask I guess I could dig out a DECtape with MUD1 oin it
- R.Bartle
- like I said, though, it's the players that mae these things successful. I just helped them do it
- Fiasco
- nods in agreement with you.
- Cat
- . o O ( Maybe for the Dead Media Prioject? :-) )
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
I think you have to present it. I had to fill out form when i doninated old terminal dating back to the Dec10 days
- Fiasco
- A MUD/MOO without players is not much to see.
- Cat
- nods in agreement with Fiasco.
- Peggy
- nods in agreement with Fiasco.
- R.Bartle
- well, if they dont go out acquiring, they won't get things they really want
- Peggy
- It's like a ghost town; really creepy.
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
I think they may be unaware of your creation thou.
- R.Bartle
- even logs are useless, you have to play to get the right feel
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
good, idea, why not present your items to Smithsoni
- R.Bartle
- well if they're unaware of it, it can't be that important, can it?
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
No, they may not realize how snifigant it is
- Fiasco
- to Colt
So talk to them.. you're in Boston :)
- Colt
- sends his typist to HELL
- R.Bartle
- well if the national computer museum doesn't realise how significant it is, it's not significant
- Fiasco
- pats Colt on the head :)
- Pompey
- to Colt
indeed, tell em, then we'll ask Dr.Bartle if he would donate it :)
- Colt
- will see what he can do, but he don't how two get them to communicate between the two.
- Colt
- to Pompey
Thats what i plan to do :)
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
Yes, Dr. I want to thank you for creating these muds for us
- Colt
- You allowed world to talk to each other
- R.Bartle
- all I did was give you the tools to create them youserlf
- Cat
- starts grooming his left shoulder.
- Colt
- I never had friends in Thailand or Austrial
- William_Wallace
- I so much enjoy the MOO's...and I met my wife on one...thank you for that too.
- R.Bartle
- I prefer to hear about the marriages to the divorces
- Pompey
- yes, MUDs/MOOs are what is REALLY ment by 'online community'
- Colt
- smiles at you.
- Peggy
- to R.Bartle
But if you hadn't given the wherewithal to create and build and chat and meet people, we couldn't have done it.
- William_Wallace
- I agree.....we get that all the time..oh you met on a MOO? That's great!
- Fiasco
- licks the icecream off her fingers
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
I do think your work is very significate. I will try to get your work reconized.
- R.Bartle
- someone else would have done it. We just happened to be first
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) smiles at you.
- Esperanza
- agrees with Peggy.
- Pompey
- is glad you made MUDs when you did
- Peggy
- to R.Bartle
You're too humble. <g>
- R.Bartle
- it's true, though.
- Pompey
- nods in agreement with you.
- Pompey
- but WHEN, is the major quesiotn
- Hbrika
- tue but maybe if done anyother way it would have faded away
- Colt
- Sir, if one were to try contact you regarding MUD1, how would they do it?
- R.Bartle
- oh, of course, but eventuallyu one would have stuck
- Pompey
- the advent of MUDs/MOOs could not have occured until 1990's ;)
- Hallie-lujah
- hugs EsteFaz warmly and tenderly.
- Fiasco
- Nah.. wouldn't have taken that long :)
- R.Bartle
- they'd email me at richard@mud.co.uk
- Pompey
- grins at Fiasco.
- Fiasco
- paints Hbrika in bright colors that are mostly black ;)
- Colt
- smiles
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) grins
- Cat
- hmms at Fiasco.
- Hallie-lujah
- to Fiasco
careful you don't get their wings stuck together :)
- Fiasco
- Ooops :)
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
I hope you don't loose too much sleep to speak with us :)
- R.Bartle
- I can catch it up easily enough tomorrow
- R.Bartle
- or today, rather
- Fiasco
- smiles.
- Hallie-lujah
- smiles at you.
- Cat
- to Colt
Her can't lose much morer of it than I do :-)
- EsteFaz
- i'lm so glad i made it to this event adn i'm sorry to say some others wanted to bere but were un able to make it
- Colt
- smiles at you.
- Pompey
- 1:36 UK time ;)
- R.Bartle
- well, they can look at the recorderd version and imagine themselves to be there
- Fiasco
- to Cat
True enough :)
- EsteFaz
- nods.
- Pompey
- nods in agreement with you.
- Hallie-lujah
- smiles at Pompey.
- Cat
- to Pompey
Hmm, 0:36, I think...
- R.Bartle
- OK, well it's 25 to 1 in the morning where I am... any more questions?
- Hallie-lujah
- no question, but an invitation... please come visit with us again
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
You planning to indulge into graphic muds?
- R.Bartle
- or get them in quick before I nod off
- Hallie-lujah
- smiles at you.
- EsteFaz
- as well as this Moo i belong to a few Muds and sao some of the Imp's realy wished they could be here
- Fiasco
- to R.Bartle
Thank you for taking the time to visit us :)
- R.Bartle
- no, no graphic muds for me, I can't get the finance to pay the artists
- R.Bartle
- grins.
- JennyLin
- to R.Bartle
Thank you for visiting.:)
- Pompey
- to R.Bartle
yes, indeed thank you for allowing us to honor you
- Fiasco
- smiles at you.
- Colt
- You can't get pictures from the net or digital pictures?
- EsteFaz
- smiles.
- R.Bartle
- I'll drop in some time, just to make sure you haven't moved my honour out of the way
- Hallie-lujah
- smiles.
- Pompey
- smiles at you.
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
Thank you for coming, Doctor :)
- R.Bartle
- I can't get animated 3D images, no
- Hbrika
- (Gonzo) grins
- Fiasco
- to Colt
To fdo a really good job, even getting free source pitcures, requires more work than that
- Hbrika
- thank you for joining us :)
- Fiasco
- loses her typing kills if she ever had any
- R.Bartle
- well thanks for honouring me, folks, even if I don't actually deserve it
- Cat
- stands up and starts pacing back and forth in R.Bartle's way.
- Hallie-lujah
- claps at you.
- Pompey
- applauds wildly!
- Colt
- stands up and claps wildly
- Hallie-lujah
- stands
- R.Bartle
- blushes.
- Colt
- stands
- EsteFaz
- applauds wildly!
- Peggy
- smiles and shakes hands with the person who caused her addiction.
- Hallie-lujah
- laughs at Peggy!
- R.Bartle
- OK, now is someone going to tell me to he command to disconnect?
- Peggy
- stands
- Peggy
- applauds wildly!
- Hallie-lujah
- NO!!
- Fiasco
- to Peggy
Not fair to blame him for that ;)
- Colt
- magiclly pop a drink into his hand "Three cheers to Dr."
- EsteFaz
- giggles helplessly.
- Cat
- to R.Bartle
No. :-)
- R.Bartle
- pesky syntax stufff, I bet it starts with @, they always do
- Esperanza
- applauds wildly!
- Colt
- to R.Bartle
@quit is the command dir.
- Fiasco
- @quit :)
- Colt
- doctor :)
- Fiasco
- to R.Bartle
Have a good night :)
- Hallie-lujah
- waves to you.
- HBrika
- @quit but without the lovely smile :>
- Cat
- to Fiasco
- Fiasco
- bows to you.
- R.Bartle
- aha! OK, well thanks again for inviting me wround
- Fiasco
- grins at Cat.
- Colt
- bows humbly to the Dr.R Bartle
- R.Bartle
- and apologies once more for the backspoaces problem
- EsteFaz
- bows to you.
- R.Bartle
- waves cheerily.
- Pompey
- bows to you.
- Fiasco
- fluffs Hbrika mussing the paint
- EsteFaz
- waves cheerily.
- Hallie-lujah
- curtseys politely.
- R.Bartle
- here I got... go, I mean...
- R.Bartle
- waves cheerily.
- Fiasco
- waves cheerily.
Returning to reality... Well, close enough.