Figure 3 - typical games system of the future, complete with optional fringe add-ons for the wealthy

Optional second screen giving on-                Main screen, with video disk
demain displays of character                     picture displays, overlaid by
attributes, weapons, gold, hit-                  graphics generated by main
points etc.                                      processor
+---------------+                                          +---------------+
|               |                                          |               |
|               |                                          |               |
|               |<-+    +-------+                          |               |
+---------------+  |    | Audio |------------------------->+---------------+
		   |    | Mixer |                              ^
		   |    +-------+                              |
Allophone-based    |      ^   ^                                |
speech processor,  |      |   |                                |
controlled from    |    +---+ +-------+                    +------------+  Video disk, storing
main processor     |    |   | |       |                    |    :       |  30,000-40,000 still
		   |    +---+ |       |                    |    :       |  pictures per side and
		   |      ^   |       |<-------------------|    :       |  equipped with onboard
		   |      |   +-------+                    +------------+  processor, typically
		   |      |   Optional audio disk              ^           48K bytes, to manage
		   |      |   producing background             |           searching for coded
		   |      |   noises and special               |           pictures (five digit
		   +---+  |   effects, under control     RS232 |           reference), control
		       |  |   from video disk unit     +-------+           overlay by graphics
   ___________  _____  |  +------+                     |                   character or text
  /           \/     \ +------+  |                     | +---------+       (generated by main
+---+        +---+   |        |  |                     | |         |       processor), and
|   |        |   |   +------+ |  |                     | |         |       instructions to slave
|   |        |   |          | |  |                     | v         |       audio effects unit
|   |        |   |         +-------------------------------------+ |
|   |        |   |         |                                     | |
+---+        +---+         |                                     | |      +--+
Floppy disk  Floppy disk   |                                     | +------|  |
unit 2 with  unit 1 with   +-------------------------------------+        |  |
data on      basic game-    Main processor, with 16-bit operation,        +--+
specific     aid modules,   multi-tasking, multiple I/O interfaces        Optional microphone
adventures,  dealing with   and minimum of 128K bytes RAM                 giving direct control by
eg maps,     character                                                    spoken commands, using
rumours,     generation,                                                  say a 100-word 
riddles,     arming,                                                      vocbulary
clues        fighting