Multi User Games
Blane Bramble brings us
right up to date with a
look at the NEW
incarnation of MUD...
MUD 2: Back from Beyond.
First, why a new incarnation? MUD (or more
accurately MUD 2) used to
be licensed to British Telecom, and was available
through them via a PSS
gateway, as well as direct
dial lines. It achieved a
large amount of success
despite an almost total lack
of marketing or publicity,
and was running away
quite happily - until one day
BT decided to pull the plug
on it. Quite why they decided
to shut down a
successful (and almost
definitely profitable) system
will no doubt remain a mystery, but all was not lost.
MUSE, who developed
MUD and licensed it to BT
soon had another licensee
- namely Roger Harazim,
and the system is now
available once more.
Whilst the loss of BT's
'backing' is a serious blow,
removing any advantage
that MUD 2 may have had
over the other games currently available, the removal of the hindrance
imposed by the apparent disinterest BT had in MUD 2,
and MUGs in general
should be a distinct advantage.
The new incarnation is said
to have been tweaked, and
also various improvements
are planned.
Well, that's enough of the
potted history, now on with
a look at the game...
Logging onto MUD 2, one
of the first things you notice
is the vast library of information available about the
game: a beginners guide,
help information, terms and
conditions, and the 'MUD
De-mystifier'. Quite an
awesome array, which, no
doubt, sometime I will get
round to browsing at leisure. As with all games,
new players are well advised to take the time to
read help information, it is
suprising just how many
people still think they can
just dial up and play without reading about the
game and the available
commands (how many of
you would attempt to play a
new board game without
first reading the instructions?).
On creating a persona
within MUD 2, you are
presented with the option
of 're-rolling' your statisitics, which redistributes
your strength, dexterity and
stamina randomly, allowing
players some degree of
say in the physical make-up Of their persona. If you
want a particularly strong
character you can probably
have one, but at the
expense of your dexterity
and stamina.
The MUD 2 parser is supposed to be one of the
most sophisticated (if not
the most sophisticated) in
use. MUD 2 understands
and deals with fluids, containers and so on although
experience of games
shows that players tend to
ignore any sophistication
and stick with GET ALL/DROP ALL type commands wherever possible...
There is quite an array of
commands to do with personalising your setup -
AUTO EXITS displays the
list of available exits (and
the name of the location
they lead to) automatically
when you move, and so
on. Wandering around the
game, the descriptions are
atmospheric (but not over
the top length-wise), with
objects and other information folded into the description as one paragraph.
Although this makes more
sense structurally, it does
make it harder to see at a
glance what objects or
creatures are within the
location - which can be a
disadvantage, especially at
slower speeds. Weather information is included (for
much of my time on-line I
was informed 'It is raining',
which seems realistic
Where to for the future?
With a fairly sophisticated
system, a ready-made
loyal bank of players, an
energetic and enthusiastic
team behind the game, and
a spattering of publicity,
MUD 2 has to have a rosy
future. The game has
enough short-term interest
for new users to wander
around acclimatising to the
system, and (by the number of players who swear
by MUD 2) enough long-term interest to keep many
of those on. With a few
new areas being worked
on, the resulting expansion
of the game will provide
existing players with new
exploring to do, and it is
difficult to see how MUD 2
could possibly fail.
Accessing MUD 2
Dial 081 478 4488
(speeds up to 2400) or
081 553 3155 (1200/75
only). Enter mudguest at
the log-in prompt, and
follow the menus. Or
log-in as usual for
seasoned players.
Shades is up and free on
TAO - (071) 275 9996. To
try Shades, once you have
connected to the system
and got the prompt, type
SHADES and then hit
RETURN, you should get a
message about a gateway
server, if nothing appears
to be happening after 10
seconds or so, try typing
RETURN again to wake
the system up. After that
you should be at the
Shades log-in, and can follow the on-screen directions.
Both the IOWA front end
and MirrorWorld are due
for a shake up soon, with a
replacement front end
being developed, and MirrorWorld due for moving to
a more powerful machine
that will allow the game to be
further developed.
The Void has moved (yes I
know it moved quite a
while ago), and is now on a
London exchange number,
which should provide local
access for more people.
The new number is (081)
566 9234. Other details
remain the same.
Blane Bramble