
Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Auswahl von vorwiegend SSCI Journal-Publikationen der Abteilung für Arbeits-, Organisations- und Medienpsychologie. Eine weitgehend vollständige Auflistung aller Veröffentlichungen und Forschungstätigkeiten findet sich an dieser Stelle. Auf den persönlichen Seiten der einzelnen Mitarbeiter*innen findet sich darüber hinaus eine weitere, individuelle Auswahl von Publikationen und Fachvorträgen.


    • Volsa, S., Lewetz, D., Mlakic, V., Bertagnoli, C., Hochstöger, S., Rechl, M., Sertic, H., Batinic, B., & Stieger, S. (2024). Development of an open-source solution to facilitate the use of one-button wearables in experience sampling designs. Behavior Research Methods. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-023-02322-y
  • Ploke, V., Batinic, B. & Stieger, S. (2024). Evaluating flourishing: a comparative analysis of four measures using item pool visualization. Frontiers in Psychology, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1458946 [link]
  • Aumüller, A., Winklbauer, A., Schreibmaier, B., Batinic, B. & Mara, M. (2024). Rethinking feminized service bots: user responses to abstract and gender-ambiguous chatbot avatars in a large-scale interaction study. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. DOI: 10.1007/s00779-024-01830-8
  • Stieger, S., Volsa, S., Willinger, D., Lewetz, D. & Batinic, B. (2024). Laughter in everyday life: an event-based experience sampling method study using wrist-worn wearables. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1296955


    • Paul, K. I., Scholl, H., Moser, K., Zechmann, A. & Batinic, B. (2023) Employment status, psychological needs, and mental health: Meta-analytic findings concerning the latent deprivation model. Front. Psychol. 14:1017358. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1017358
    • Freyth, L., Batinic, B. & Jonason, P. K. (2023). Social media use and personality: Beyond self-reports and trait-level assessments. Personality and Individual Differences, 202, DOI: [link]


    • Stiglbauer, B., Penz, M. & Batinic, B. (2022). Work Values Across Generations: Development of the New Work Values Scale (NWVS) and Examination of Generational Differences. Frontiers in Psychology, Sec. Organizational Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1028072 [link]
    • Volsa, S., Batinic, B. & Stieger, S. (2022). Self-Reports in the Field Using Smartwatches: An Open-Source Firmware Solution. Sensors, 22, 1980. DOI: 10.3390/s22051980.
    • Bähr, S., Batinic, B. & Collischon, M. (2022). Heterogeneities in the latent functions of employment: New findings from a large-scale German survey. Frontiers in Psychology, Sec. Personality and Social Psychology. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.909558 [link]


    • Freyth, L. & Batinic, B. (2021). How bright and dark personality traits predict dating app behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 168. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2020.110316 [link]
    • Grossi, N. & Batinic, B. (2021). Job Characteristics, Well-Being and Physical Activity: A Field Study using a Consumer Fitness Tracker. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 17, 264–275. DOI: 10.5964/ejop.2447 [link]
    • Grossi, N., Batinic, B. & Moharitsch, S. (2021). Sleep and health: examining the relation of sleep to burnout and well-being using a consumer fitness tracker. Health and Technology, 11, 1247-1257. DOI: 10.1007/s12553-021-00603-0


    • Kovacs, C. & Batinic, B. (2020). Psychologie in Österreich – Studiums- und Berufsstatistiken. Psychologische Rundschau, 71, 343-352. DOI: 10.1026/0033-3042/a000505 [link]
    • Gnambs, T., Kovacs, C. & Stiglbauer, B. (2020). Processing the word red and intellectual performance: Four replication attempts. Collabra: Psychology, 6. doi:10.1525/collabra.277
    • Gnambs, T., Stasielowicz, L., Wolter, I. & Appel, M. (2020). Do computer games jeopardize educational outcomes? A prospective study on gaming times and academic achievement. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 9, 69-82. doi:10.1037/ppm0000204
    • Selenko, E., Stiglbauer, B. & Batinic, B. (2020). More evidence on the latent benefits of work: bolstered by volunteering while threatened by job insecurity. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29, 364-376.


    • Appel, M. & Gnambs, T. (2019). Shyness and social media use: A meta-analytic summary of moderating and mediating effects. Computers in Human Behavior, 98, 294-301.
    • Gnambs, T. & Stiglbauer, B. (2019). No personality change following unemployment: A registered replication of Boyce, Wood, Daly, and Sedikides (2015). Journal of Research in Personality, 81, 195-206.
    • Gnambs, T. & Nusser, L. (2019). The longitudinal measurement of reasoning abilities in students with special educational needs. Frontiers in Psychology, 232, 88-92.
    • Kovacs, C., Batinic, B., Stiglbauer, B. & Gnambs, T. (2019). Development of a shortened version of the Latent and Manifest Benefits of Work (LAMB) scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 35, 685-697.
    • Stiglbauer B., Weber S. & Batinic B. (2019). Does your health really benefit from using a self-tracking device? Evidence from a longitudinal randomized control trial. Computers in Human Behavior, 94, 131-139.
    • Stiglbauer B. & Kovacs C. (2019). Need for uniqueness determines reactions to webbased personalized advertising. Psychological Reports, 122, 246-267.
    • Stiglbauer B. & Zuber J. (2019). On the relationship between regulatory focus and response bias in multiple-choice exams. Educational Psychology, 39, 203-222.
    • Vlasak, T., Jordakieva, G., Gnambs, T., Augner, C., Crevenna, R., Winker, R. & Barth, A. (2019). Blood lead levels and cognitive functioning: A meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 668, 678-684. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.052


    • Kovacs, C., Stiglbauer, B., Batinic, B. & Gnambs, T. (2018). Exploring Different Forms of Job (Dis)Satisfaction and Their Relationship with Well-Being, Motivation and Performance. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 67, 523-556. text: DOI: 10.1111/apps.12128
    • Stiglbauer, B. & Kovacs, C. (2018). The more the better? Curvilinear effects of job autonomy on occupational well-being from Vitamin-Model and PE-Fit theory perspectives. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23, 520-536.
    • Stiglbauer, B. & Weber, S. (2018). A picture paints a thousand words: The influence of taking selfies on place identification. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 58,18-26. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2018.07.007
    • Stiglbauer, B. (2018). Differential challenge and hindrance stressor relations with job-related core affect. International Journal of Stress Management, 25, 62-80. doi: 10.1037/str0000076
    • Stiglbauer B. & Zuber J. (2018). Challenge and hindrance stress among school teachers. Psychology in the Schools, 55, 707-721. DOI: 10.1002/pits.22135
    • Stiglbauer, B. & Böhm, M. (2018). Verlauf der kognitiven Funktionsfähigkeit von Personen mit Demenzerkrankung: Analyse der Leistungsaufzeichnungen im kognitiven Training. Psychiatrische Praxis. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-111740
    • Wolff, H.-G., Weikamp, J. G. & Batinic, B. (2018). Implicit motives as determinants of networking behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology: Organizational Psychology, 9, 411. [link]


    • Batinic, B. & Kovacs, C. (2017). Online employee surveys and online feedback. In G. Hertel, D. Stone, R. Johnson, & J. Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work (pp. 347-368). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
    • Kovacs, C., Batinic, B., Stiglbauer, B. & Gnambs, T. (2017). Development of a Shortened Version of the Latent and Manifest Benefits of Work (LAMB) Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000434
    • Stiglbauer, B. (2017). Under what conditions does job control moderate the relationship between time pressure and employee well-being? Investigating the role of match and personal control beliefs. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38, 730-748.


  • Batinic, B., Appel, M. & Gnambs, T. (2016). Examining Individual Differences in Interpersonal Influence: On the Psychometric Properties of the Generalized Opinion Leadership Scale (GOLS). The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 150, 88-101.
  • Gattringer, F. & Batinic B. (2016). Die Rolle von Cyberslacking im Kontext von Life-Domain-Konflikten und Telearbeit. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 18(2), 5-14. [link]
  • Maurer, B., Lankes, M., Stiglbauer, B. & Tscheligi, M. (2016). EyeCo: Effects of Shared Gaze on Social Presence in an Online Cooperative Game. Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2016, 102-114.


  • Böhm, M., Stiglbauer, B., Öhlinger, G., Weichbold, M., Weichbold, B., Koren, G. & Schöny, W. (2015). Trialogische Evaluierung eines gerontopsychiatrischen Konsiliar- und Liaisondienstes. Psychiatrische Praxis, 42, 1-8.
  • Gnambs, T., Stiglbauer, B., & Selenko, E. (2015). Psychological effects of (non)employment: A cross-national comparison of the United States and Japan. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56, 659-669. doi: 10.1111/sjop.12240 [link]
  • Stiglbauer, B. & Batinic, B. (2015). Proactive coping with job insecurity – beneficial or harmful? Work & Stress, 29, 264-285. doi: 10.1080/02678373.2015.1074956 [link]


  • Appel, M., Stiglbauer, B., Batinic, B., & Holtz, P. (2014). Internet use and verbal aggression: The moderating role of parents and peers. Computers in Human Behavior, 33, 235-241. [link]
  • Appel, M. & Schreiner, C. (2014). Digitale Demenz? Mythen und wissenschaftliche Befundlage zur Auswirkung von Internetnutzung. Psychologische Rundschau, 65, 1-10. [pdf]
  • Batinic, B. (2014). Kommentar zu dem Beitrag „Ein national gefördertes Onlinelabor als Infrastruktur für die psychologische Forschung“. Psychologische Rundschau, 65, 227-229.
  • Richter, T., Appel, M., & Calio, F. (2014). Stories can influence the self-concept. Social Influence, 9, 172-188. [pdf]
  • Summereder, S., Streicher, B. & Batinic, B. (2014). Voice or consistency? What you perceive as procedurally fair depends on your level of power distance. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 192-212. [link]
  • Appel, M., Mara, M., & Weber, S. (2014). Media and Identity. In M. B. Oliver & A. Raney (Eds.), Media and Social Life (pp. 16-28). New York: Routledge.


  • Appel, M. & Mara, M. (2013). The persuasive influence of a fictional character’s trustworthiness. Journal of Communication, 63, 912-932. [pdf]
  • Batinic, B. & Appel, M. (2013). Mass communication, social influence, and consumer behavior: Two field experiments. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 1353–1368. [link]
  • Gnambs, T., & Batinic, B. (2013). The roots of interpersonal influence: A mediated moderation model for knowledge and traits as predictors of opinion leadership. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 62, 597-618.
  • Jadin, T., Gnambs, T. & Batinic, B. (2013). Personality traits and knowledge sharing in online communities. Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 210-216.
  • Selenko, E. & Batinic, B. (2013). Job insecurity and the benefits of work. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22, 725-736. [link]
  • Selenko, E., Mäkikangas, A., Mauno, S., & Kinnunen, U. (2013). How does job insecurity relate to self-reported job performance? Analysing curvilinear associations in a longitudinal sample. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 86, 522-542. [link]
  • Stiglbauer, B., Gnambs, T., Gamsjäger, M. & Batinic, B. (2013). The upward spiral of adolescents’ positive school experiences and happiness: Investigating reciprocal effects over time. Journal of School Psychology, 51, 231–242. [link]


  • Appel, M. (2012). Anti-immigrant propaganda by radical right parties and the intellectual performance of adolescents. Political Psychology, 33, 483-493. [pdf]
  • Appel, M. (2012). Are heavy users of computer games and social media more computer literate? Computers & Education, 59, 1339-1350. [pdf]
  • Appel, M., Gnambs, T. & Maio, G.R. (2012). A short measure of the need for affect. Journal of Personality Assessment, 94, 418-426. [pdf]
  • Appel, M., Holtz, P., Stiglbauer, B. & Batinic, B. (2012). Parents as a resource: Communication quality affects the relationship between adolescents’ Internet use and loneliness. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 1641-1648. [pdf]
  • Appel, M. & Kronberger, N. (2012). Stereotype threat and the achievement gap: Stereotype threat prior to test taking. Educational Psychology Review, 24, 609-635. [pdf]
  • Appel, M. & Maleckar, B. (2012). The influence of paratext on narrative persuasion. Fact, fiction, or fake? Human Communication Research, 38, 459-484. [pdf]
  • Gnambs, T. & Batinic, B. (2012). A personality-competence model of opinion leadership. Psychology & Marketing, 29, 606-621.
  • Jodlbauer, S., Selenko, E., Batinic, B. & Stiglbauer, B. (2012). The relationship between job dissatisfaction and training transfer. International Journal of Training and Development, 16, 39-53.
  • Stiglbauer, B. & Batinic, B. (2012). The role of Jahoda’s latent and financial benefits on work involvement: A longitudinal study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 81, 259-268.
  • Stiglbauer, B., Selenko, E., Batinic, B. & Jodlbauer, S. (2012). On the link between job insecurity, well-being, and turnover intentions and the moderating effect of work involvement. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 17, 354-364.


  • Appel, M. (2011). A story about a stupid person can make you act stupid (or smart): Behavioral assimilation (and contrast) as narrative impact. Media Psychology, 14, 144-167. [pdf]
  • Appel, M., Kronberger, N. & Aronson, J. (2011). Stereotype Threat impedes ability building: Effects on test preparation among women in science and technology. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 904-913. [pdf]
  • Barth, A., Leopold, S., Gnambs, T., Kundi, M., Rainer, A. & Winkler, R. (2011). Socioeconomic factors and suicide: an analysis of 18 industrialized countries for the years 1983 through 2007. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 53, 313-317.
  • Gnambs, T. & Batinic, B. (2011). Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Opinion Leadership: Multitrait-Multimethod Analysis across Measurement Occasion and Informant Type. Journal of Individual Differences, 32, 94-102.
  • Gnambs, T. & Batinic, B. (2011). Evaluation of measurement precision with Rasch-type models: The case of the short Generalized Opinion Leadership Scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 53-58. [link]
  • Gnambs, T. & Batinic, B. (2011). Polytomous adaptive classification testing: Effects of item pool size, test termination criterion and number of cutscores. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 71, 1006-1022. [pdf]
  • Holtz, P. & Appel, M. (2011). Internet use and video gaming predict problem behavior in early adolescence. Journal of Adolescence, 34, 49-58. [pdf]
  • Paul, K. I., Hassel, A., Batinic, B. & Moser, K. (2011). Die Auswirkungen von Arbeitslosigkeit auf die psychische Gesundheit. Forum Arbeit, 1, 7-12.
  • Selenko, E. & Batinic, B. (2011). Beyond debt. A moderator analysis of the relationship between perceived financial strain and mental health. Social Science & Medicine, 73, 1725-1732.
  • Selenko, E., Batinic, B. & Paul, K. I. (2011). Does latent deprivation lead to psychological distress? Investigating Jahoda’s model in a four-wave study. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84, 723-740. [link]
  • Stiglbauer, B., Gnambs, T. & Gamsjäger, M.  (2011). The interactive effects of motivations and trust in anonymity on adolescents’ enduring participation in web-based social science research: A longitudinal behavioral analysis. International Journal of Internet Science, 6, 29-43. [link]


  • Appel, M. & Richter, T. (2010). Transportation and need for affect in narrative persuasion: A mediated moderation model. Media Psychology, 13, 101-135. [pdf]
  • Bartsch, A., Appel, M. & Storch, D. (2010). Predicting emotions and meta-emotions at the movies. The role of the need for affect in audiences‘ experience of horror and drama. Communication Research, 37, 167-190. [pdf]
  • Batinic, B., Selenko, E., Stiglbauer, B. & Paul, K. I. (2010). Are workers in high-status jobs healthier than others? Assessing Jahoda’s latent benefits of employment in two working populations. work & stress, 24, 73-84. [link]
  • Gnambs, T., Appel, M. & Batinic, B. (2010). Color red in web-based knowledge testing. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1625-1631. [link]
  • Paul, K. I. & Batinic, B. (2010). The need for work: Jahoda’s latent functions of employment in a representative sample of the German population. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 45-64. [link]
  • van Oudenhoven, J. P., Selenko, E. & Otten, S. (2010). Effects of country size and language similarity on international attitudes: A six-nation study. International Journal of Psychology, 45, 48-55.


  • Batinic, B. & Appel, M. (2009). Online-Bewerbungen aus Sicht von Bewerbern und Unternehmen. Zeitschrift für Personalpsychologie, 8, 14-23.
  • Batinic, B. & Göritz, A. (2009). How does social psychology deal with new media? Social Psychology, 40, 3-5.
  • Jadin, T., Gruber, A. & Batinic, B. (2009). Learning with e-lectures. The meaning of learning strategies and design principles. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 12, 282-288. [pdf]


  • Appel, M. (2008). Fictional narratives cultivate just world beliefs. Journal of Communication, 58, 62-83. [pdf]
  • Appel, M. (2008). Manche mögen´s heiß. Ergebnisse der deutschsprachigen Version eines Instruments zur Erfassung des Emotionsmotivs (need for emotion / need for affect). Diagnostica, 54, 2-15. [pdf]
  • Batinic, B., Wolff, H.-G. & Haupt. C. (2008). Construction and factorial structure of a short version of the trendsetting Questionnaire (TDS-K): A cross validation using multiple confirmatiory factor analyses. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 24, 88-94.
  • Hertel, G., Schroer, J., Batinic, B. & Naumann, S. (2008). Do shy persons prefer to send e-mail? Personality effects on communication media preferences in threatening and non-threatening situations. Social Psychology, 39, 231-243.


  • Appel, M. & Richter, T. (2007). Persuasive effects of fictional narratives increase over time. Media Psychology, 10, 113-134.
  • Schröder, M., Rudolph, A., Wiesner, A., & Schütz, A. (2007). Self-esteem discrepancies and defensive reations to social feedback. International Journal of Psychology, 42, 1-10.


  • Batinic, B., Haupt, C. & Wieselhuber, J. (2006). Konstruktvalidierung und Normierung des Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Trendsetting (TDS). Diagnostica, 2, 60-72.


  • Batinic, B. (2005). Information strategies of fine art collectors, gallerists and trendsetters. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 23, 135-152.
  • Batinic, B. & Moser, K. (2005). Determinanten der Rücklaufquoten in Online-Panels. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 17, 64-74.


  • Batinic, B. (2003). Internetbasierte Befragungsverfahren. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 4, 6-18.


  • Batinic, B. & Moser, K. (2001). Neue Methoden für Medienpsychologie: Online Panels. Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 13, 45-49.


  • Rybowiak, V., Garst, H., Frese, M. & Batinic, B. (1999). Error orientation questionnaire (EOQ): reliability, validity, and different language equivalence. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 4, 527-547. [pdf]


  • Wallbott, H. G. & Batinic, B. (1994). „Erinnerungen an die achtziger Jahre“ – Subjektive Zeitlokationen von Ereignissen, die durch die Medien gingen. Zeitschrift für experimentelle und angewandte Psychologie, 4, 631-648.
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