Head of Department
Professor Dr. Bernad Batinic is head of the Department of Work, Organizational and Media Psychology (AOM), founded in 2005, which is a subdivision of the Institute of Education and Psychology. Since 2007, Prof. Batinic is also head of the Institute of Education and Psychology.
Prof. Batinic studied psychology in Gießen (1995), and obtained his doctoral degree (2001) and habilitation (2006) at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. In 2003, he held a deputy/visiting professorship at the University of Marburg for a year, with responsibility for the Department of Work and Organizational Psychology. Since 2004, he has worked as a university professor at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Bernad Batinic was the spokesman of the Curia of Professors of the Social and Economic Sciences and is currently a member of various commissions and committees of the University of Linz (e.g., Head of Department, member of the Studies Commission for Web Sciences, substitutionary member of the Senate).
After attaining his psychology degree, Prof. Batinic began his work on online research. He was particularly interested in the possibilities offered by the Internet as a method of data collection. As early as 1994, he conducted an online survey via Usenet, and in 1995 he published the first manual on how to use the Internet to conduct online surveys. He was a founding member of the German Society for Online Research. Bernad Batinic was probably the first researcher in the German-speaking world who implemented a survey using the World Wide Web. In addition to numerous publications, conference contributions, workshops and externally funded projects, Prof. Batinic’s work has also resulted in several commercial companies, which he co-founded and helped develop through his role as supervisor, advisor or consultant. Bernad Batinic was one of the three founders of the Global Park AG (since 2012 QuestBack), tivian GmbH and Respondi AG.
In the field of work and organizational psychology Bernad Batinic and his team focus on aspects of employment and well-being. One of their research foundations is a large, ongoing five-wave longitudinal study whose findings have been published in a number of international journals. Prof. Batinic and his team repeatedly demonstrated the mediating role of Marie Jahoda’s latent benefits of work in the relationship between job characteristics and well-being.