Research project report in “JKU Univationen”

04. March 2015

Mag. Fabiola Gattringer and Mag. Manuela Schmid contributed a description of their research to the current issue of the magazine “JKU Univationen.” The article is titled “What and how is more important than how long.” Click here to read (p. 11)


Prof. Batinic on OE1

16. December 2014

Professor Bernad Batinic’s interview in the OE1 broadcast “matrix – Computers & amp; New Media” titled “Temporary star: 15 minutes of fame” can be heard until Sunday, December 21, 2014 under the following link


Silvana Weber transfers to Landau

11. September 2014

After completing her role in the project “Social Identity and Cognitive Performance in Young People with an Immigration Background in Austria,” our research assistant Silvana Weber is transferring from the JKU to the University of Koblenz-Landau. We thank Ms. Weber for her dedicated work in the department and wish her every success on her way forward and during the completion of her dissertation.


Personnel changes

11. September 2014

We welcome Johannes Waslmeier, who joined our team as a student assistant on January 9, 2014. Mr. Waslmeier succeeds our departing student assistant, Mr. Johannes Schrefl, whom we wish all the best in his future career!


Career and education

04. March 2014

The fourth Career Forum, organized by Oberösterreichische Nachrichten and Salzburger Nachrichten, starts on March 18. The Forum is targeted at students and attempts to give them insights into the future of work. Bernad Batinic, professor of psychology at the Johannes Kepler University, will hold a keynote speech as part of the Career Forum. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernad Batinic advises individuals entering the job market to take enough time for this decision and to follow their talents.

Link to the article


Dissertation prize for immigration research in 2013

18. November 2013

Silvana Weber was awarded the Dissertation Prize for Immigration Research at a ceremony dedicated to awarding Prizes for Young Scientists, organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences on November 14, 2013 (


She received the award for her dissertation project titled “The effects of stereotype threat among adolescent immigrants in Austria: Social identity, acculturation strategies, cognitive performance and well-being.”

