Lecture Slides “Better Living – but how?” are available online

10. April 2017

We thank Dr. DI Deinsberger-Deinsweger for his lecture on living psychology. The the German Lecture Slides are available online.
For further information on the topic, please visit our lecture series site.


Opening Hours of the Office Administration during the Easter Break

05. April 2017

The office hours vary during the Easter break.
The following table shows the precise office hours:

Monday 08:00 a.m. bis 02:00 p.m.
Tuesday 08:00 a.m. bis 01:00 p.m.
Wednesday 08:00 a.m. bis 01:00 p.m.
Thursday 08:00 a.m. bis 12:00 p.m.

On Friday there are no office hours.


We are hiring!

27. March 2017

We are looking for research staff. Applications with the usual documents shall be sent by e-mail or written until 07.04.2017 to aom@jku.at.

Stelle einer Projektmitarbeiterin bzw. eines Projektmitarbeiters mit Diplom/Master (30 WStd)

German Job Description (PDF)

Stelle einer Projektmitarbeiterin bzw. eines Projektmitarbeiters ohne Diplom/Master (10 WStd)

German Job Description (PDF)

Further information can be found in the jobs-section.


Lecture Slides “Comic Artists as Cultural Entrepreneurs?” are available online

14. March 2017

Now the German Lecture Slides of Höllens lecture about Comic Artists as Cultural Entrepreneurs are available online.
For further information on the topic, please visit our lecture series site.


We welcome Fulbright scholar Brian Smith, PhD

07. March 2017

We warmly welcome our new team member and Fulbright scholar Brian Smith, PhD!


Brian Smith, PhD

Brian Smith

Further information about our team members can be found under the staff link .


Comic Artists as Cultural Entrepreneurs? Between Commercial Art and Creative Entrepreneurship

01. March 2017

Coming soon! The next lecture of the Psychological Lecture Series will take place.
We are looking forward to an exciting lecture by Max Höllen, M.A.

Comic Artists as Cultural Entrepreneurs? Between Commercial Art and Creative Entrepreneurship

Max Höllen Presenter: Max Höllen, M.A.
Date: March 09, 2017, 4:30 p.m.
Location: Keplergebäude Halle C
German invitation (PDF)
German Lecture Slides

For further information on the topic, please visit our lecture series site.


ÖGP-Congress in Linz 2018

01. March 2017

The Department of Work, Organizational and Media Psychology is going to organize the next congress of the Austrian Society of Psychology (ÖGP) in Linz (Austria) in 2018.
Further information can be found under www.oegp2018.at.
If you have any questions, please contact oegp2018@jku.at


Office Opening Hours

15. February 2017

There are no office hours on the following dates:
Friday, February 17, 2017


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 until Monday, February 27, 2017