
Logo Abteilung eLearning

Johannes Kepler university Linz
Abteilung AOM
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernad Batinic

Altenbergerstraße 69
A 4040 Linz

Phone: +43 / 732 / 2468 - 8225

Usage notice

You may use all content of LearnTube according to the conditions of the Creative Commons 2.0 license for Austria without prior consulting us. For commercial use please ask for permission of the lecturers or authors.


All rights remain a the lectureres and authors.



We used the following third party resources:

Name Author Description License
Adodb Lite Mark Dickenson Database abstraction layer LGPL
Figures speech 3 Sanja Gjenero Graphic used in the header Royalty free
jQuery John Resig A lightweight javascript library MIT & GPL
jQuery AjaxFileUpload Plugin jQuery plugin for uploading multiple files simultanously MIT & GPL
jQuery DatePicker Plugin Kelvin Luck jQuery plugin for generating a date picker MIT & GPL
jQuery Media Plugin M. Alsup jQuery plugin for generating rich media content MIT & GPL
jQuery Tabs Plugin Klaus Hartl jQuery plugin for generating tab navigation MIT & GPL
JW Media Player Jeroen Wijering Flash based media player Creative Commons
PhpFreeChat Stephane Gully Web-chat LGPL
Silk Icons Mark James A set of free icons Creative Commons
TinyMCE Moxiecode Systems WYSIWYG editor LGPL
Wikindx Mark Grimshaw Bibliographic management system GPL