General guidelines for submissions
English is the official language for all Conference communications. |
The first author of an abstract is considered to be the presenter of this contribution at the EAWOP congress. As first author, each person may submit a maximum of three submissions. These can be either
Not counting for this “rule of three” are the participation in a debate or panel discussion, or invited contributions such as a Keynote or Invited Symposia. Moreover, there is no restriction on the number of submissions as co-author. |
Each submission includes a structured abstract. Please note that the structure of abstracts differs between the submission types (for details see Submission Types). |
Theory papers may not be submitted as a single paper but as part of a symposium/forum. |
The Program Committee will review all abstracts. In some cases abstracts may be rejected as oral presentations but accepted as posters. |
Applicants will receive notification of acceptance of their contribution no later than January 15th, 2013. |