Powerpoint Presentations Hat

These are powerpoint presentations I've given over the years, in .pdf format. Most share slides, and some are basically the same talk given to different audiences. I've divided them into major and minor, depending on how much original content there is in them (which may or may not reflect the importance of the audience - some of the most high-powered people only wanted a general overview of the issues).

Major presentations:
Mortar Board SELFWARE.games 2003
Graz, Austria.
SELFWARE was a conference concerned with identity, sponsored with EU money (Graz had a ton of it to give away as it was European Capital of Culture that year). This was the first occasion I described to anyone my ideas for relating virtual world player type theory to Campbell's monomyth.
Mortar Board Community Work: Managing Multiplayer Culture 2004
Information Technology University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
This is the talk in which I first developed my ideas of the cultural effect of virtual worlds on real-world culture.
Mortar Board Other Players 2004
Information Technology University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
In this talk, I give my assessment of how virtual world design is becoming dumbed down because of the need to attract newbies. The formal paper version is here.
Mortar Board Media Technology Industry 2005
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
This is the talk in which I expound my ideas for how virtual worlds will develop in future. It proved to be a good source of slides for later, minor presentations.
Mortar Board Command Lines 2005
University of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
This is my explanation of why you can't have true player governance of virtual worlds as people usually envisage it.
Mortar Board Workshop on Creative Broadband Potentials 2005
Karlsruhe, Germany.
My take on how design can influence the development of community in virtual worlds.
Mortar Board Austin Games Conference 2005
Austin, USA.
This is my keynote talk about how virtual world developers can change the real world.
Mortar Board Game Focus Germany 2007
Hannover, Germany.
This is quite a deep talk about the effects of virtual worlds on real-world cultures (and vice versa). Its point was made rather too subtly, though: most people seemed to get the impression I was merely arguing for localisation, which is of course what they do in Germany the whole time. It also suffered because I advocated exporting German culture, which is apparently a touchy subject in Germany as it has connotations of the Nazi era; in my defence, I did send the slides to the organisers some weeks prior to the day of the talk so they could flag any such gaffes, but they OKed it as it stood.
Mortar Board Indie MMO Game Developers Conference 2007
Minneapolis, USA.
In this keynote speech, I draw parallels with the state of textual worlds at this stage of development, and urge today's independent developers to keep the faith.
Mortar Board Gamelab 2007
University of Oviedo, Spain.
Although this talk does begin with the usual work-backwards-from-today history lesson and incorporates several pieces of other talks, it expands into a wider discussion of the origin of virtual worlds that makes some attempt to explain why it is that today's efforts pretty well all descend from MUD rather than some other source.
Mortar Board Indie MMO Game Developers Conference 2008
Minneapolis, USA.
In this keynote speech, I look at three different possible futures for virtual worlds, and place my bet on which is going to be the one we get.
Mortar Board Digital Interactive Symposium 2008
This talk is a rant about the state of computer games education in the UK. In it, I manage to insult just about everyone involved in the subject in one way or another...
Mortar Board Computer Games/Players/Game Cultures 2009
Otto Von Guericke University, Magdeburg.
In this talk, I discuss the problems that can arise when the designer's view of the moral tone of a virtual world differs from that of the players.
Mortar Board Indie MMO Game Developers Conference 2009
Las Vegas, USA.
In this keynote speech, I explain how we can improve today's MMORPGs by casting aside old rivalries that many designers aren't even aware have influenced them.
Mortar Board DiGRA 2009
Brunel University.
This keynote lists a number of things I don't want to see any more in MMORPG research, and ends with pointer to what I do want to see.
Mortar Board Lennox Seminar 2010
Trinity University, San Antonio, USA.
The Lennox Seminar series is a prestigious offering of Trinity University's Communication Studies Department. This year's theme was "reality hackers", so I thought I'd talk about the different approaches to reality that the MUDs of yore had compared to the MMORPGs of today.
Mortar Board Computer Games Online 2010
Leipzig, Germany.
I was asked to give a brief commentary statement at the opening of the Computer Games Online conference in front of an audience of politicians, journalists and industry people. Half an hour later, Germany was due to play Spain in the semi-final of the World Cup. The slides here were all pictures; I've integrated my script into them. Also, they've been clipped in the process of turning them into a .pdf file, but not fatally so.
Mortar Board Computer Games and Human Rights 2010
Visby, Sweden.
This is a long (two hours and 20 minutes) talk outlining the main Human Rights issues raised by computer games. It includes a brief introduction to games and what they are, in order to help explain why things that may seem to be human rights violations could, in fact, not be. It's more serious than my talks usually are, and is also quite bitty and over-long. Nevertheless, it does have enough material to kick-start a course on the subject, which is why I was invited to give it.
Mortar Board GDC Online 2010
Austin, USA.
A talk in which I reveal some of the early thinking behind the design of MUD1, and bemoan the lack of aforesaid thinking behind most of today's virtual worlds.
Mortar Board BrowserGames Forum 2010
Offenbach, Germany.
Here, I look at the state of browser-base games: how they were 18 months ago; how they are now; how they will become. The early games are having the effect of teaching non-gamers to become gamers; this will have an impact on revenue models when they are educated enough to gain a concept of "fairness".
Mortar Board MIT Business in Games 2011
Boston, USA.
In this talk, I present five game design mistakes that everyone makes. They're a little more abstract than that makes it sound...
Mortar Board Bristol University Atheist, Agnostic and Secular Society
This is a talk in which I discuss the relationship between gods and the worlds they create. Virtual world designers are gods for the worlds they create; knowing what we have learned from being gods ourselves, what can we surmise about any gods that might have designed our own reality? Given that this was a talk to an AASS, you can probably guess what the answer is...
Mortar Board Gamelab 2011
Barcelona, Spain.
In this talk I outline my views on Social Games (namely that they are not social and barely games), and what they mean for the future of online games in general. The main take-away is that they are educating their players in the ways of games, which will lead them to want to play more game-like games. I'm not completely happy with the slides here, as there's some unnecessary repetition; still, it's how I presented it, so there's no going back now...
Mortar Board multi.player
Stuttgart, Germany.
This talk looks at my player types model and analyses some of the misuses of it in terms of the player types theory itself (thereby embodying one of the misuses). It's actually a comment on theory use in general.
Mortar Board Vienna Content Awards
Vienna, Austria.
In this talk, I complain about how expensive it is to make computer games and how this is affecting originality and risk-taking. Unfortunately, my proposed solution is rather too idealistic to be practical...
Mortar Board Presentation of Complex Objects Symposia
This talk concerns the preservation of virtual worlds in general and MMORPGs in particular. I make two main points: that the players are part of what you need to preserve; that the audience for whom you are preserving what you preserve dictates where best to invest your preservation efforts.
Mortar Board Gamification Summit
San Francisco, USA.
In this presentation, I demonstrate some other ways of partitioning a player base, and discuss the reasons why Gamification has adopted my player type model. The conclusion is not that these four player types are important, but that the mere fact there are different player types is important.
Mortar Board Videogames and Learning Symposium
This talk is my response to the rubbishness of "serious games". In it, I explain what can and can't easily be learned from playing games, pointing out that the area that games is weakest in is what they're typically called on to do, and the area they're strongest in is unexaminable. Also, I explain why you can't make a game be "about" what you're teaching if you intend it to be fun.
Mortar Board New Directions in the Development of Creative and Media Industries
Hong Kong, China.
Here, I explain why MMOs have fallen out of favour in recent years and what developers can do to resurrect their fortunes. Basically, they've over-reached: in order to attract more players, they have abandoned their core audience. Now that the new players they have attracted have in turn been attracted away by mobile games, they need their core audience back.
Mortar Board From Virtual to Real World
Madrid, Spain.
In this talk, I discuss the dislikes of different player types, rather than just their likes. This explains why friction can arise between players of different types.
Mortar Board Not-So-Social Games
Tel Aviv, Israel.
This is an updated and less rambling version of my Gamelab 2011 presentation.
Mortar Board Katholische Stiftungsfachhochschule
Munich, Germany.
This talk argues that MMOs are becoming more socialiser-oriented, and explains the reasons why (along with some advice regarding the consequences of this). In particular, it asserts that many socialisers don't see themself as socialisers as they don't realise they've drifted into that condition from being achievers.
Mortar Board Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden.
This was a Distinguished Research Seminar, which I was asked to give to a mixed audience of members of the public, researchers and games students on the subject of the past, present and future of computer games. The talk argues that the mixed audience itself covers all three of these.
Mortar Board DiGRA/FDG Joint Conference 2016
This was the first joint conference run by the Digital Games Research Association and the Foundations of Digital Games organisers. As such, it had a wide audience. I decided to use the opportunity to tell the academics assembled that the games industry knows things they don't, and if they try to reach out they should be welcomed rather than shot down. I illustrated this using an unusual example...
Mortar Board Sweden Game Conference 2016
Skövde, Sweden.
The theme of this conference was "inclusivity", so that's the topic of this keynote. The approach I take is to describe computer game creation in terms of art and craft, then to pursue the implications of this if the art creators are all trying to say the same things. This is the full presentation; as delivered, it was half this length (and probably all the better for being so).

Minor presentations:
Mortar Board Online Games 2001
This was one of the last of the talks I gave at annual business conferences. Those were the days when virtual world people rubbed shoulders with web game providers, mobile phone developers and the occasional gambling advocate. This isn't a particularly special set of slides, although I do support persona death in one of them.
Mortar Board IEE Seminar 2002
University of Essex.
Unusually, this is not a talk about virtual worlds. I was asked to give an evening seminar to the Institute of Electrical Engineers about mobile phone games (having designed several, some of which were actually made), so that's what I did. It's somewhat dated now, but was correct in 2002. The title slide is as dreadful as it ever was.
Mortar Board ESE Seminar, 2002
University of Essex.
This is a talk to the Electronics Department about virtual world architecture. It's a bit more hardware-related than the presentations I usually give.
Mortar Board ESE Seminar 2003
University of Essex.
This is the presentation I gave to tell my soon-to-be colleagues what it was I'd be teaching. It's the whole player types to Hero's Journey story, albeit not in a huge amount of detail.
Mortar Board International Conference on Computer Games: Artificial Intelligence, Design and Education 2004
Microsoft Campus, Reading.
I talk here about the implications of the Hero's Journey on the elder game of virtual worlds. It was at this conference that I came to understand the full horror of the lack of understanding UK academics have of computer games.
Mortar Board Law Seminar 2005
University of Essex.
I gave this seminar to Essex University's Law Department, or rather a bunch of its MSc students. It does cover a wide range of material about virtual worlds and law, most of which is real frontier stuff. The audience was supposed to comprise of people interested in all aspects of "cyber law".
I wasn't invited back...
I gave an updated but much shorter version of the talk a couple of years later at the University of Teesside.
Mortar Board Digital Money Forum 2005
Standard introduction with a rather more extended than usual discussion of real-money trading and associated ideas at the end. This conference was attended mainly be etailers and the like, with me as one of the "interesting tangent" type of speaker. Nevertheless, this lead to a number of similar talks at other such commercial get-togethers (and explains why so many of the presentations in this section are similar).
Mortar Board Workshop on Economic Heterogenous Interacting Agents 2005
University of Essex.
Standard history+RMT+law fare, made up of slides from other talks.
Mortar Board WAAG Society 2005
Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
This is a large chunk of my AGC keynote, but with the focus on olde tyme hacker culture and how, through virtual worlds, it (deliberately) influences real-world culture.
Mortar Board Digital Identity Forum 2005
Standard introductory stuff, with some discussion at the end concerning identity issues in virtual worlds.
Mortar Board Family Taster Day 2006
University of Essex.
This was a talk intended for an audience of people local to the Colchester area, who could come to the university for a taste of what's on offer. I sewed together the standard introduction and history segments of existing talks to explain Essex University's connection with the hip and happening topic of virtual worlds. Sadly, the audience was virtual, too: insufficient people showed interest in attending Family Taster Day and the event was cancelled. Still, here are the slides I would have given had I had the opportunity to do so...
Mortar Board Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation 2006
This is the standard intoduction to virtual worlds, plus some discussion of the issued raised by real-money trading. The audience was a very strong group of bankers, insurers, members of government authorities and other thinkers from the world of finance.
Mortar Board Creative Clusters 2006
Standard introduction to virtual worlds with a gee-lookit-the-figures-involved spin, presented to an audience of policy-makers working in the creative industries.
Mortar Board Telecommunications Seminar 2007
University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA.
This is an extensive talk that covers a great deal of virtual world theory, which I gave to the Telecommunications Department at the University of Indiana. It's an updated version of a talk I'd given at the University of Teesside the previous year. Most of the audience were savvy in the ways of virtual worlds, so I was able to dive into the subject in depth. It's very long, though, so I prepared a shorter version, too.
Mortar Board Postgraduate Games Conference 2008
Brunel University.
As I was talking primarily to postgraduates, I put together this talk as a morale booster. I don't know if it worked, but I myself came away feeling better for it!
Mortar Board Living Game Worlds 2008
Georgia Tech..
I was invited to sit on a panel of not-dead-yet virtual world pioneers (me, Randy Farmer, Pavel Curtis, Brian Green), and by way of introducing myself was asked to give a short presentation. This is it.
Mortar Board ENISA-FORTH Summer School 2009
This summer school covered a wide variety of issues to do with network and information security (including privacy). I was there to talk about the specific problems virtual worlds have in this area. I spoke for about 50% longer than I was supposed to, and although much of what I said was already known to the MMO industry (hence my classification of it as a minor presentation) it was quite new to most of the audience.
Mortar Board Digital Shoreditch
Digital Shoreditch is a week-long games festival in the East End of London. I was invited to speak at the Gamification event, and gave a 25-minute presentation on the topic. This is it.
Mortar Board London Business School Marketing Club
This is a short presentation given to the Marketing Club of the London Business School, prior to a panel discussion. The panel subject was "Games and Marketing: What's the Score?", for which I was instructed to give a shorter version of my Digital Shoreditch talk.
Mortar Board Casual Connect
Hamburg, Germany.
I was asked to make this talk be about the uses and abuses of my Player Type model in social and casual games. It's probably too short a message for a 50-minute talk, though, and I feel the result is somewhat repetitive.
Mortar Board Seminar Series
University of Lincoln.
In this talk, which was for a varied audience from undergraduate to postgraduate level and beyond, I describe how players' perception of cheating depends on what player type they are.
Mortar Board Seminar Series
Jagex, Cambridge.
A short, invited talk I gave at Jagex Ltd., talking about options for free-to-play revenue models.
Mortar Board Club 44
Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, London.
Mainly a reduced-length rehash of earlier Gamification talks, aimed at an advertising industry audience.
Mortar Board Seminar Series
University of Lincoln.
This talk explains how games are used to generate stories, and why it's this aspect of games that makes them more important than novels. Yes, it is a big claim...
Mortar Board CEEC 2013
University of Essex.
This is a general talk aimed at postgraduates studying for PhDs, using my experience with games to talk about their role in their future career.
Mortar Board Digital and Technology Weekend
King Edward's Grammar School, Chelmsford.
This is a composition of two earlier talks, in which I describe a bit about the history of MMOs and use this as a lever to try inspire would-be undergraduates to follow their hearts and minds.
Mortar Board Casual Connect
Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
This was the third attempt I had at writing a talk to Casual Connect, having been invited to speak. It concerns how I see casual games going in future. I would have liked more time (talks were only 20 minutes this time) but I got most of the main issues across.
Mortar Board GamifIR
Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
This talk is about Gamification for Information Retrieval. As I know nothing about either, the talk picks apart the Call for Papers for the conference and sees what deeper points it makes. Yes, there are some...
Mortar Board GameFounders Europe
Tallinn, Estonia.
This was a talk on innovation in game design to people who already knew how to innovate in game design. It therefore morphed into a talk about why game designers design and why they're needed, in so doing validating all the designers present and making the non-designers less than happy. It concludes by suggesting that innovation won't really be unsuppressed until game development becomes a project-by-project exercise like film-making.
Mortar Board Game-On
Lincoln University.
The objective of this talk was to show that some of the things that the games industry wants from Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence figured out decades ago but it's become unfashionable. I was asked to expand on an earlier talk on games and AI that I'd given at an event at Essex University but seem not to have uploaded here...
Mortar Board Cybersalon
DigitasLBi, London.
I only had 20 minutes for this talk, which is revamped riff from my 2010 GDC Online talk. The audience was very knowledgeable, too, which led to a pile of questions afterwards.
Mortar Board Café Scientifique
Minories Gallery, Colchester.
This is a talk for an intelligent but general audience on the subject of why people play games rather than reading books. It's based on a presentation I gave at Lincoln University the previous year.
Mortar Board UKSCC 2015
University of Kent.
This is a near clone of my CEEC talk from a couple of years earlier, for a similar audience at a different university.
Mortar Board Cologne Game Lab
Cologne, Germany.
This was commissioned as part of a series of talks on how games and film can change people, but because fire regulations delayed the opening of the lecture theatre it became stand-alone instead and just for the Game Labd. It's an abridged version of my talk on why people play MMOs, but with added vim at the end to address the how-games-change-people question.
Mortar Board Ludwig Maximilian University
Munich, Germany.
This is a talk about game skills and simulation skills, which ultimately concerns the relationship between games-as-art and games-as-education. It uses the former to explain why games aren't all that good at the latter.
Mortar Board Gamefounders Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
A collection of pieces of other talks, stitched together to address the question as to why people who make games make games. It's basically asking people who are well on the way to forging a career in games to consider why they want a career in games, so they reflect on what they're doing more.
Mortar Board KDU University College
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The students at KDU had been introduced to my Player Types model the previous semester, so this talk looked at ways it can be used and abused. It's made up of components of some of my other talks on various aspects of Player Types.
Mortar Board User Acquisition Summit
CodeNode, London.
This is a pictures-only talk for the User Acquisition Society, in which I give a very brief overview of Player Types in the hope that it might give practitioners a way to look at using them for acquisition (rather than retention, their usual usage).
Mortar Board WordPlay
British Library, London.
As this was part of a panel on tool creation for interactive fiction, I only had a few slides. I used these to say a (very) little about MUDDLE, the language in which MUD2 is written.

Copyright © Richard A. Bartle (richard@mud.co.uk)
19th November :\webdes~1\ m.htm